Absence and the Hunger Games
April 13, 201210:48 am
When a comic strip is named “Jimmy O’Hair”, you probably expect to see the title character in every strip. However, there are going to be occasions for when Jimmy is not in a daily or Sunday comic strip. Today is one of those days, as it gives other characters like Brooke and Zeke their chance for exposure. Although we get their personality traits in their interaction with Jimmy, this gives them an additional opportunity to shine. Already, there have been strips published without Jimmy (Zeppa at the Oscars, for instance), but they have been few and far between. Jimmy is, after all, the main character around which the strip revolves. And perhaps, like the old saying goes, Jimmy’s absence will make the heart grow fonder when he returns! As for the Hunger Games, naturally it’s a popular book series and a national phenomenon right now with its success at the movie box office. You can’t go anywhere these days without hearing about Katniss Everdeen, Petra Mellark, or the annual hunger games where only one survives in the country of Panem. Because Jimmy and his co-workers work at the Bookrazy, they cannot avoid the Hunger Games hysteria. So here was an opportunity to find a little humor and get the Jimmy O’Hair gang in on the craze!