Jimmy O'Hair

Thanksgiving Time

November 22, 20124:09 am

It’s Thanksgiving day as I am writing this, and it’s a national holiday in the United States. Jimmy O’Hair is like most of us in today’s comic strip, already salivating over what the meal will be like. Jimmy has a one-track mind on turkey dinner, which is what Lola picks up on in her retort. As we get prepare to indulge on food and spend time with our family and friends, it’s a good time to give gratitude for the many blessings in our lives. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, as I know Jimmy is going to enjoy his holiday before he returns to work on Black Friday … and sees people camped out in front of the Bookrazy to invade it when the store officially opens!  

iPhones and Comedy Routines in Jimmy O’Hair

October 26, 201211:10 am

Today’s comic strip has the foreign-born Cabo using his broken English to tell Jimmy he has “me-Phone”, when in actuality he has an “iPhone.” The confusion over the correct expression turns humorous for both of them. Even though this is a joke about miscommunication, it’s also another reminder of how technology is omnipresent in our lives. The iPhone just recently came out with another new model, and each design seems to be sleeker and faster than the previous one. Whether it is Android or Apple, smartphones have a lot of capabilities and they have become a lot more involved in the humor of Jimmy O’Hair comic strips. A couple of recent examples had Brooke using her smartphone to take a picture of a cupcake only to have Jimmy swipe and eat the dessert at the last minute. Another had Laticia holding up a smartphone and wondering if there was “an app for tattoo deciphering” when she couldn’t figure out Zeke’s new tattoo. There are sure to be many more strips in the future around smartphones, because they’re such a huge part of our lives and are instruments for humor! By the way, today’s strip also has Jimmy making mention of an “Abbott and Costello” routine. Abbott and Costello were a comedic team that saw the height of their popularity in the 1940s and 50s. Their most famous sketch was “Who’s on First”, which became a circular wordplay around baseball. The answer to “Who’s the first baseman?” was followed with the reply “The name of the first baseman is ‘Who’” and it went on and on – kind of like today’s “me” and “I” with Cabo and Jimmy, which is why Jimmy refers to it. Little did you know that reading Jimmy O’Hair would also give you an American radio and television history lesson!  

Fantasy Season

October 12, 20128:33 am

In today’s Jimmy O’Hair comic strip, Jimmy and Hootie are discussing a popular phenomenon in American life – fantasy football. A lot of people who watch the game of football also have their “fantasy” teams, or a team of NFL players from different NFL squads that compete in an assembled league. It’s a way that lovers of the sport can feel like they are a general manager of a team, and put together a roster that competes week to week against an opponent. There are point totals for each player, and the winner for that NFL weekend is the team that gathers the most points.  At the end of the season, there’s generally a prize for the winner, so it raises the stakes week to week in friendly competition. There are other fantasy sports such as fantasy baseball that have taken hold of the imagination as well, but fantasy football is extremely popular and a way for fans to have an interest in different games even if their favorite team is not playing. Have you ever noticed now in sports bars where there are random cheers for plays that would have no other value except for fantasy? As for Hootie, he fashions himself to be an adept “fantasy” GM, and is always looking for an extra advantage in these competitions. Jimmy understands this, and they have a friendly back and forth in their encounters dealing with fantasy sports. Hootie is probably like someone you may know in a league, who is always looking to wheel and deal or slyly trying to maneuver to the top. And it makes for more hilarity in a comic strip!

Harry Potter Influence

September 23, 20129:38 am

J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter was a revolutionary book series that transformed young adult literature, and made a blockbuster movie franchise for Warner Bros. From the time Harry Potter debuted in 1997, the stories of Harry, Hermione, and Ron practicing wizardry at Hogwarts and fighting the evil “He who must not be named” made an indelible imprint on readers. It was a cultural phenomenon that had people waiting anxiously for each continuing title in the series. There have been other series since then that have captivated audiences (Twilight, the Hunger Games, Fifty Shades of Grey, etc.), but it’s tough to knock Harry Potter from the pedestal as the one that started it all in contemporary literature. In today’s Jimmy O’Hair Sunday comic strip, it is a look back at the influence of Harry Potter on a generation like Jimmy’s. Jimmy is reading the Harry Potter book, and imagining himself and his friends at Hogwarts. It’s a playful little strip as some of the characters go through their Harry Potter related episodes. Here’s hoping the wistful look back at Harry Potter through the eyes of Jimmy captivates us anew!

Smartphone World

September 21, 20128:39 am

With the i-Phone 5 going on sale today and people from all over the world waiting in long lines to get their hands on Apple’s latest smartphone, it’s a telling reminder how much mobile phones play a part in our lives. Now that smartphones are ubiquitous, is it hard to even imagine ten years ago we weren’t checking apps in the palm of our hand or posting our statuses on Facebook via a mobile phone? Smartphones have been revolutionary, transforming our lives with the capability to go anywhere and do anything and still be connected. It’s amazing that we even talk on them still with all the other things they can do, because they’re phones after all! Today’s Jimmy O’Hair comic strip is a humorous poke regarding the omnipresence of cell phones. Jimmy is out on a date with Sonia, and she can’t stop texting even while they are sitting at the table. This gets back to cell phone etiquette, which is another situation entirely. We all probably know someone who is like this … it may even be you! Regardless, today’s Jimmy O’Hair strip is a funny poke at our smartphone addiction, and there are sure to be more examples of this in strips to come. After all, how can you ignore something that is everywhere and we can’t live without in our lives?    

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