Smartphone World
September 21, 20128:39 am
With the i-Phone 5 going on sale today and people from all over the world waiting in long lines to get their hands on Apple’s latest smartphone, it’s a telling reminder how much mobile phones play a part in our lives. Now that smartphones are ubiquitous, is it hard to even imagine ten years ago we weren’t checking apps in the palm of our hand or posting our statuses on Facebook via a mobile phone? Smartphones have been revolutionary, transforming our lives with the capability to go anywhere and do anything and still be connected. It’s amazing that we even talk on them still with all the other things they can do, because they’re phones after all! Today’s Jimmy O’Hair comic strip is a humorous poke regarding the omnipresence of cell phones. Jimmy is out on a date with Sonia, and she can’t stop texting even while they are sitting at the table. This gets back to cell phone etiquette, which is another situation entirely. We all probably know someone who is like this … it may even be you! Regardless, today’s Jimmy O’Hair strip is a funny poke at our smartphone addiction, and there are sure to be more examples of this in strips to come. After all, how can you ignore something that is everywhere and we can’t live without in our lives?