Streaming videos and comic strips
October 29, 201411:44 am
As today’s Jimmy O’Hair comic strip illustrates, television screens are no longer the only outlet for video content. Smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices enable us to watch videos whenever we want. YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo, Maker and other online video portals give us unlimited opportunities to view content, and have allowed film and TV shows to be viewed whenever possible and created entertainment stars with “viral” videos. Who would have thought that 15 years ago that we could watch in a phone in our hand the latest movie from James Cameron, switch to a short dancing cats video just a few seconds later, and then tweet about it afterwards? The Jimmy O’Hair comic strip between Jimmy and Lola catches the satire in having to watch ads before a streaming video starts on Lola’s smartphone. We cannot escape ads in what we watch even moving online away from the television set. Video is a very important means of reaching an audience, and we will continue to see it evolve in the different mediums. There have been animated video shorts made for Jimmy O’Hair that have yet to be posted, but they will be in the near future. Whether or not they will have ads in front of them that would annoy Lola? We will have to wait and see!