The World of Facebook
May 18, 201211:59 am
Today’s Jimmy O’Hair comic is about Facebook, the omnipresent social network. How many of us do our interacting with family and friends on Facebook these days? If it weren’t for status updates, a lot of us would miss out on things happening with our friends and family. You know, like how they’re building their empire in Mafia wars or collecting animals in Farmville. And now, “to like” something has taken on a whole new context with the advent of Facebook. You almost expect to see that Facebook “thumbs up” logo appear when you say you like something in real life! Facebook is also continually evolving to the point where it’s hard to keep up. So how many people really like the new timeline? You can see from the comic with Jimmy and Lola attached to this blog a little humor about Facebook’s changes. In a period of just a few years, Facebook has gone from a small Harvard University social network to a global juggernaut certain to eclipse a billion users. Of course, most of you know this story from the movie The Social Network, based on the bestselling book The Accidental Billionaire. Facebook also is very important to Jimmy O’Hair too! There is a “Jimmy O’Hair” page on Facebook where you can “like” Jimmy and get the latest comic strips and news about the strip as well. So if you’re not already following, click the Facebook link on this page or just go to “Jimmy O’Hair” the next time you’re on Facebook. The Jimmy O’Hair strip on the site today featuring Brooke and Jimmy also happens to coincide with Facebook’s IPO on the NASDAQ, which is happening right now and making news around the globe. Brooke is like a lot of people out there who has thousands of “friends” and thousands of “likes” on Facebook. Of course, Jimmy has to look at this from a logical perspective. It just goes to show Facebook is a part of our lives, now and into the future … whether we “like” it or not!